Physical Therapy
Nardone Chiropractic’s Physical Therapy staff wants to help all of our patients regain full, functional use of their bodies. For many, that means a multi-step program that is designed to improve physical strength, range of motion, daily living activities and functional ability. Treatment begins with a comprehensive evaluation, so our therapists can develop a personalized treatment program for you. Throughout your recovery, you will have a dedicated therapist who is focused on one goal: helping you reach your goals.
Treatments may include a variety of exercises and activities customized to your individual needs, including therapeutic procedures such as: manual therapy (hands-on mobilization of soft tissue), gait training and therapeutic exercise (range of motion, strengthening) and other treatments; along with therapeutic modalities such as traction, ultrasound, electrical stimulation among others. All Physical Therapy programs include at-home exercises patients can use to advance and maintain function.